Accountant's aren't expected to be eloquent. People just expect us to be good at math and blogging doesn't require math....thank God! So here I am - to write with no expectations and no judgement. If you would like me to do a math problem for you or answer your tax questions, too bad...ask someone else. Haha!
I've always wanted to create a blog, because I read so many others, but always wondered "what would I blog about?" People don't get excited about what new IRS regulations there are this year or how to calculate a partner's basis in his/her partnership interest (have I lost you yet?!) :-) And to be honest, I don't want to talk about those things! I get sick of talking about them at work!
What I DO want to share and what makes me so excited is what God is doing in my life...both personally and professionally. Sometimes I want to share those "enlightenments" because other people can benefit from what God showed me recently. Isn't that what the body of Christ should be doing through community and fellowship anyway?? Praise God for technology...a new way to share with each other! Of course one-on-one interaction is preferable AND essential but come on, how many of you surf the internet while you're at work, trying to find something more interesting than what you are doing?!
Maybe I'll just share stuff for fun too! Or post a fun picture! I do love finding recipes on blogs, but I only have one unique one and I got it from another family. Perhaps I'll give you links to one from other sites.
And I know that once you see a long post, you click on something I vow to keep my posts a manageable length! I don't want to bore you! I just want to share Scripture, insights, and ask you probing questions. Perhaps the Lord wanted you to hear something that I post that day. Perhaps you are supposed to share something with me! I will always be honest. I can't stand it when blogs are always butterflies and roses. Sometimes life is hard and reality is not fun. But God is good. Let's be real with each other. Let's encourage each other. Let's pray for each other.
Let's start with this: the two most precious "beings" (haha!) in my boyfriend, Kevin (yes, he was broken in that picture...shoulder surgery) and my sweet puppy, Luci.
Best of luck, Kelli :)