I've obviously not been a good blogger. I recently got married, was SUPER crazy busy and honestly thought "do I really have anything to say that's that interesting??"
Well...I LOVE reading random blogs. I thought "what do I love to read?" I am not a super domestic woman, however, I love to cook. I see each meal as a project and hope those that consume the meal are pleased (eek...see previous post about my approval addiction..workin' on it!). I love finding recipes on random blogs. I also love DIY projects and learning a little more about fashion...that's definitely not my forte.
So when I'm not blogging about something profound that the Lord has told me, I'm going to share recipes and DIY projects I found on other blogs/pinterest/etc and tried. I'll say what I did wrong/right and what I'd do differently next time. Pinterest never gives you that much info ;-) How do you think your grandma got to be such a good cook?! Trial and error starting in her 20's/30's!
I'll start out by sharing with you the blogs that I love to read lately (just to name a few):
Mix and Match Family Blog
Pinterest Told Me To
Six Sisters Stuff
I Hate Green Beans
Joyful Homemaking
The Larson Lingo
Here are some recipes that I tried recently and I've included the outcome as well!

If you know me, you know I love smoothies for breakfast! I always love a new healthy smoothie recipe. I got this one from Pinterest and it turned out GREAT! It tastes just like strawberries. Don't let the spinach freak you out. My husband hates (or thinks he hates) anything with greens in it, like this. But he tasted this one and actually liked it, because he couldn't taste the spinach. My variations:
1) I added about a tablespoon of agave nectar to make it sweeter.
2) I used a whole banana and didn't freeze it.
3) I added a few cubes of ice.
4) I added about 1/2 cup of water. (Mine wasn't blending well without it)
This recipe had so much potential to be amazing! BUT wow...it calls for WAY too much lemon. The green beans and potatoes were so tart that my husband and I couldn't finish them. I'm going to make it again sometime and either use 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and not put the lemons on the bottom OR substitute the lemon juice for white cooking wine, tarragon vinegar, or just plain olive oil. I think it'll be amazing next time!
This chili pot roast was a success! My only variation was using a 3 lb roast instead of a 2 lb one, but it turned out the same. I'd probably add some salt next time, but I tend to like saltier food. My husband prefers it the way it was and it's probably better for you that way.
Holy moley, this dessert is awesome! My husband and I loved it! I love pumpkin recipes, but he doesn't and we BOTH loved it. I prepared it exactly the way she says to. I'd like to try spice cake instead of yellow cake next time though.
This lentil soup is in the Crockpot right now! Assuming it's not destroyed and we eat it for dinner tonight, I'll let you know how it is!
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